At times, the simplicity of the program may be disconcerting, but as is the case with so many things in our lives, we can over-complicate matters and in the maelstrom of alternative information out there, we end up achieving less than we had hoped because it can all seem a little bewildering.
The famous Bruce Lee was once asked if he would coach a prospective student. He placed a glass of water in front of the student and explained:
“For you to receive my teachings fully, you will first have to empty your mind.”Only once it has been emptied, will you be ready to fully accept what I have to teach.”
Needless to say, the student drank the water, placed the empty cup back on the table, mostly because he was thirsty…
While I am being slightly “tongue-in-cheek” here, and lay absolutely no claims to sharing a podium with the legendary Mr Lee, I will ask you to trust this journey. Yes, the App can be confusing in the beginning. Yes, you may not quite understand why you’re cutting out Carbohydrates in the beginning, and perhaps you are awaiting a detailed food menu which I am not going to supply. – Trust that there is method in my madness. Trust the process and you will summit your mountain.
The App
By course begin, you will need to have downloaded the App.
You will use the App to:
- Track Food intake
- Record your workouts
- Communicate with Thorsten via the “Chat” function
- Track your measurements
- Communicate with other members of the group.
The best way to become familiar with this valuable tool, is to spend some time exploring the various menu’s.
By the time you have received the link to the App, I will have uploaded your specific data into the backend.

The Website
This is where you will find most of the course teachings. Some of us are more “old-School” and prefer a website when it comes to consuming reading material. You will be notified via the App when there is new material to be reviewed.
If you prefer to read and consume content on the fly, using your smartphone, you need not worry, because the site has been configured for mobile too.
Daily Teaching tiles
Thorsten will send daily tiles to your App. Once opened, you need only tap the microphone to receive an audio brief from your coach.
Tap the reading icon and access your learning material. *
The learning material addresses a multitude of topics, designed to enhance your understanding of holistic health and explores the mind body connection. It is roughly divided into
FEAST (your relationship to food)
FAST (We address Intermittent Fasting in detail)
FIGHT (the physical aspect of training) and
FLOW (understanding habit formation)
By the end of the course, you will have a neat gallery of Tiles, which serve as a knowledge base to refer back to.

*It has happened that older Android phones don’t open the link, in which case you should alert me, and I will send you the links.

Let’s chat via Zoom
While online training and coaching is “a thing” nowadays, most apps follow an AI-driven approach, where you can’t really be sure whether you’re getting advice from the coach, or one of his minions. Even chat functionality can be scripted in advance.
We host weekly meetings where any of the members can join. During this time, you are free to ask questions, air frustrations, and celebrate milestones achieved. This forum has become invaluable to our enrolled students and while you need not attend every meeting, you will certainly benefit greatly from speaking to your coach face to face. Join us on Zoom!