When NO means NOT YET?

If we boil our behavior down, most would agree that our actions are based on a need to AVOID PAIN […]
Cold water Immersion and why you should try it

In the late 50s, there was an experiment conducted by some pretty left-field researchers, who set out to prove that […]
Setting a good example for yourself

If you have kids, you will know that these little God-given cherubs hardly miss a thing. I marvel at how […]
Turning meditation into self-hypnosis

The mind-body connection is a fascinating area of learning. Traditionally, the mind was seen as quite separate from the body […]
Could exercise be a placebo for health?

The fitness industry is awash with diets and training programs telling you that they have uncovered the one approach that […]
Milkshakes and mindsets

Mindset can be defined as a set of core assumptions that simplify the way we see the world around us. […]